What is social engineering in cybersecurity?

The rise of cyber threats has propelled organisations and individuals into a perpetual battle to safeguard sensitive information. Among the myriad techniques employed by cybercriminals, one method stands out for its subtlety and effectiveness: social engineering.

In this article, we delve into social engineering in cyber security, exploring its intricacies, risks, and ultimately, how to protect against it.

Understanding Social Engineering

Cybercriminals employ social engineering, a method of psychological manipulation, to exploit human psychology instead of technological weaknesses. It involves manipulating individuals into divulging confidential information, performing certain actions, or compromising security protocols. Attackers use human tendencies like trust, curiosity, fear, and authority to deceive victims through emails, phone calls, or in-person interactions.

Common Techniques


Phishing is a form of social engineering. It involves sending fake emails to deceive people. The goal is to get them to disclose personal information or click on dangerous links.


In pretexting, attackers create a fabricated scenario to convince targets to divulge information or perform actions they wouldn't normally do. This technique often involves the creation of fake identities and scenarios to gain the victim's trust.


Baiting is similar to phishing. It involves tricking people with attractive offers such as free software or prizes. The intention is to get them to download harmful software or share their login details.

Quid Pro Quo

Attackers offer a benefit or service in exchange for information, taking advantage of the victim's desire for assistance or gain.


Piggybacking, or tailgating, is when unauthorised people follow authorised individuals into restricted areas to get sensitive information or access systems.

Implications and Risks

The success of social engineering lies in its exploitation of human psychology, making it a potent threat to cyber security. Attacks on important data or systems can lead to serious problems. These problems include money loss, identity theft, data breaches, and stolen intellectual property.

Protecting Against Social Engineering Attacks

Education and Awareness

The first line of defence is educating employees and individuals about social engineering techniques. Regular training can help individuals recognise suspicious emails, phone calls, or scenarios and respond appropriately.

Verification Protocols

Encourage a culture of verifying requests for sensitive information, especially if they come from unknown or unexpected sources.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Implement MFA across systems to add an extra layer of protection against unauthorised access.

Robust IT Infrastructure

Keep systems and software up-to-date with the latest security patches to minimise vulnerabilities.

Strict Access Controls

Limit access to sensitive areas and data, both physically and digitally, to authorised personnel only.

Incident Response Plans

Develop comprehensive plans for responding to potential social engineering attacks. This can minimise damage and aid in recovery.

Professional cyber security services

Partnering with cyber security experts offers an invaluable advantage in defending against social engineering attacks. Their expertise can help tailor security strategies to your organisation's unique needs.

In the face of the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, safeguarding against social engineering attacks is of paramount importance. To protect valuable assets from cybercriminals, individuals and organisations should learn their tactics and take proactive security measures.

To strengthen your defences and stay safe from social engineering and other cyber threats, get help from our advanced cyber security services. With our expertise, you can stay one step ahead of malicious actors and keep your digital realm secure.


Cyber Security Awareness: Why is it Important?

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