Digital innovation can solve any business challenge

All organisations face challenges. Often, these can be overcome with tried and tested tools and techniques. At other times, however, a bespoke and wholly unique digital transformation solution is needed.

In business, difficulties are inevitable. At some point – whether shortly after forming or several years later, an organisation will find itself confronted with a problem to which there is no obvious solution; when off-the-shelf software and existing practices will not yield the results they require.

When faced with such a scenario, it can be tempting to compromise – to find a way of living with, rather than actually solving the problem. As a technology consulting company, we don’t think this is good enough. We believe that if the means of tackling a conundrum cannot be found or does not presently exist, you simply create a solution.

Innovation beyond obsession

‘Innovation beyond obsession’ is something of a mantra here, so much so, that it's the lynchpin of our vision. Whilst others would be happy to frequently implement short-term information technology solutions, we stick with problems and see them through to the very end. The inevitable stress – the anxiety – that this generates does not deter but fuels us. It galvanises our true north values; it maintains integrity and keeps us mindful of our responsibility to our clients and how the product, application or solution we develop will benefit them.

Vitally, knowing that we will overcome a considerable challenge maintains pride in the quality of our work and helps us to look forward to the incredible sense of achievement we’ll enjoy when we know we’ve resolved the issue for our client.

As far as our clients are concerned, they’ll enjoy something far more significant: bespoke solutions to pressing problems that they have been previously forced to endure. Proactive as well as pioneering, our Innovations as a Solution team actively seek out and proactively approaches means of resolving other concerns within client’s organisations, whilst simultaneously working to a brief.

The testing, analysis and experimentation required as part of creating means of resolving concerns when coupled with the in-depth understanding of our client’s practices, models, objectives etc. – typically yield findings that can be leveraged to improve a variety of business functions and enhance productivity.

Internal innovation: Eagle Eye

One example of where we've innovated internally is with our internal scoping system called Eagle Eye. This system, built by our innovation team, product managers and solution design consultants allows for solutions team members to access hundreds of scoping templates and by entering details about the client and solution, customise it for a specific client project.

For us, this frees up technical resource in building scopes for account managers and means that our projects implementation team are getting the same high-quality scopes on every project. New scope templates can be added within a matter of minutes, meaning the system is always evolving as we add new services or a product setup is required to change.

Examples of innovation

AI and automation can be used to accurately complete various administrative processes. Big data and analytics tools tied to sufficient infrastructure can provide valuable and previously unforeseen insights. Collaboration solutions can provide teams with powerful means of working together irrespective of their locations thus improving their productivity and reducing an organisation’s carbon footprint.

Tech – teamed with innovation and determination – can solve any pressing problem. In fact, it can both resolve immediate and potential future issues simultaneously.

ROCK’s unique Innovation as a Service offering is blended with our exceptional and renowned client care, as well as yielding solutions that are entirely unique to a client’s organisation.


Why IT projects fail

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